
Every GraphQL schema has a root type for both queries and mutations. The query type defines GraphQL operations that retrieve data from the server.


availability ([Availability!]!)

Return resource availability for service's resource.

Argument Type Description
resourceId ID!

User defined Resource identifier.

serviceId ID!

User defined Service identifier

booking (Booking)

Return a Booking given a id or external_code.

Argument Type Description
externalCode String

User defined identifier.

id ID

Identifies the primary key from the database.

bookings ([Booking!]!)

Return all Bookings.

Argument Type Description
customerEmail String

The email of the Customer to filter by.

customerId ID

The ID of the Customer to filter by.

limit Int

The maximum number of records to return.

status StatusEnum

The status of the Bookings to filter by.

resource (Resource)

Return a Resource given a id or external_code.

Argument Type Description
externalCode String

User defined identifier.

id ID

Identifies the primary key from the database.

resources ([Resource!]!)

Return all Resources.

Argument Type Description
limit Int

The maximum number of records to return.

service (Service)

Return a Service given a id or external_code.

Argument Type Description
externalCode String

User defined identifier.

id ID

Identifies the primary key from the database.

services ([Service!]!)

Return all Services.

Argument Type Description
limit Int

The maximum number of records to return.